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Koko Dunda Hand Dyed

Koko Dunda Hand Dyed

Minimum order quantity: 10 units

Koko Dunda, an iconic fabric from Burkina Faso, is hand-dyed in the Kôkô region of Bobo Dioulasso. Once stigmatized, this multi-colored striped fabric was brought back into the spotlight in 2016 by fashion designer Sébastien Bazemo. The artisanal manufacturing process includes folding, tying the fabric with nylon thread, followed by dye baths that create unique shades. Labeled in 2021, Koko Dunda is now a symbol of Burkinabé craftsmanship, with more than 236 protected patterns.

At Ledoux Store, we offer this fabric in bulk, handmade by artisans selected for their expertise. Each order is personalized according to your project, with an adapted quote. Capture the authenticity of African craftsmanship with Koko Dunda, a fabric rich in history and culture.

Manufacturing time

6 to 7 weeks depending on the work requested


Cotton or other materials depending on demand and availability of raw material

Country of origin

Benin or Ghana

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  • Secure payment

    Several payment methods available: CB - Paypal - Transfer - Mobile Money (for Benin)

  • Work of artisans

    Write to us to explain your needs so that we can search our network for the craftsmen best suited to your project. We will then be able to estimate the manufacturing time and send you a quote.

  • Pre-order

    For bulk orders, no stock! We work on pre-order and provide you with a prototype when needed. We manufacture according to your project.

  • Tracked shipment

    Logistics between the African, European, American and Caribbean continents is not always easy! We ensure the tracking of your merchandise shipments.

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