Our core values ​​are based on inclusiveness, diversity and innovation. We are committed to establishing strong partnerships with professional associations, specialized local government institutions and private companies that share this vision.

A tool for...

  • Facilitate

    exports of African and West Indian handicrafts to international consumer markets.

  • To accompany

    the structuring and development of national craft markets in Sub-Saharan Africa and the West Indies.

  • Form

    artisans working in the informal sector with the skills needed to migrate to a formal and sustainable economic model.

  • Impact

    and fight for more inclusiveness of these workers in the current dynamics of globalization and in view of the growing interest in Africa and ethical consumption patterns.

This dream will come true!

As a project in development, the Lyannaj Foundation aspires to become a driving force for the competitiveness of artisans in these regions. We believe in the potential of Sub-Saharan and Caribbean economies to harmonize the processes and regulations relating to the work of the thousands of men and women working in the crafts sector.

Main activities

Capacity building

Support programs for building the skills of artisans wishing to formalize their activity in order to be eligible for international exports. These programs are built in collaboration with professional associations, national institutions, private sector sponsors and impact service providers.

Best practices

Exchange platform around the best practices of the craft market in the world.

Reflection for labeling

Reflection with national institutions for a labeling process for handicrafts from Sub-Saharan Africa and the West Indies.