Legal Notice

Company information

  • Company name: Ledoux Store France
  • Trade name: Ledoux Store
  • Legal form: SAS (Simplified Joint Stock Company)
  • Head office address: 1b avenue de la Porte de Sèvres, 75015 Paris
  • Activity (NAF or APE code): Distance selling from general catalogue (4791A)
  • Phone number: +33636579645
  • Email address:

Identification numbers

  • RCS registration number: 980 133 342 RCS Paris
  • SIRET number: 98013334200017
  • Share capital: 2000 euros
  • Intra-community VAT identification number: FR44980133342

Publication and hosting

Name of publication manager: Ledoux Marine
Name of the site publication director: Ledoux Marine
Host: Shopify Inc. S150 Elgin Street, Suite 800, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L4, Canada.

CNIL notice

We collect data in order to manage customer orders. We also use email addresses to send customers advertisements for products similar to those they order. If customers do not wish to receive such solicitations, they can check a box at the time of collection of information, indicating that they object to Ledoux Store France offering them by email products similar to those they have already ordered.

This data may also allow Ledoux Store France and its business partners to send them other advertisements by email. If they wish to receive prospecting by email from Ledoux Store France and/or its partners, they can check boxes specifying that they accept that Ledoux Store France offers them new products or services by email. They can check a box specifying that they accept that their email address is transmitted to Ledoux Store France's partners for commercial prospecting purposes by email.


Applicable law and competent jurisdiction in the event of a dispute: French law and jurisdiction