• Lorraine's Boissellerie

    Nicole Akouehou, founder of Boissellerie Loraine's, has shaped her path to success with determination and passion. She never imagined that her path would lead her to wood processing.

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  • Mom Colette

    Maman Colette and her entire family opened their home to us to introduce us to the weaving of Kanvô in Benin. She will be happy to weave your fabric, just a few kilometers from Cotonou!

  • Fathnell Leather Goods

    Fathnelle Djihouessi, a young, passionate and self-taught leather goods craftswoman in Benin! Since 2020, when she started from scratch in her living room, she has been building her story in luxury leather goods.

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  • Batik Epe

    Introduced to Batik in 1992 by a friend, Mr. Padey immersed himself in the art of Batik in Benin alongside his musical and literary career. Over the years, he perfected his art, devoting himself particularly to the creation of loincloths. He is the founder of the Batik Epe brand.

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  • Ilêwa Pottery

    Carole Fachina is the founder of the Beninese brand ILEWA. The name “ILEWA” resonates like “our land” in the Yoruba language. She works in collaboration with artisan potters based in Boukoumbe, in the Atacora region, in the northwest of Benin.

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  • Mr. Hervé

    Mr. Hervé is our screen printer in Cotonou, Benin. He prints all our labels and other derivative products BY HAND!

  • Benedo

    Benedo is a Burkinabé mother, initially an engineer, who set out to promote Burkina Faso's artisanal know-how by collaborating with dyers from Koko Dunda and weavers from Faso Danfani.